Saturday, October 20, 2007

Big "H" strikes again

Well, as i'm sure you already know, i've been on the ME "choco treatment" just for curiosity's sake (you never know, right?) and also started taking L-Lysine as i heard that might actually be good against Oral Herpes. Well here comes the irony, since three days ago i've developed a pretty bad case of oral Herpes and have even gotten a "fat lip" from it. Been quite a while since i got one of those so i figured it had something to do with the newly added L-Lysine or the choco treatment and stopped taking both. I will start taking just L-Lysine again later on when the herpes outbreak has passed, to be able to isolate exactly which one of the two that actually caused it. Might have been both for all i know.

The day before yesterday i started a 15 day treatment with Valtrex to try and get rid of this Herpes outbreak and already i feel slightly better. It means that it still has a positive and strong effect on me. Guess that's a good thing because i sure do need my Valtrex considering what a inefficient immune system i seem to have.


Anonymous said...

Hello! Its really sad to hear that the autorities here in Sweden won´t help you immediately. But perhaps there are some nice people out in cyberspace who would like to help you. Most of the apartments in Stockholm unfortunately are distributed through contacts or black economy in my experience. I was also forced to live at home when I was very sick and it was very straining psycologically. But dont underestimate the kindness of the internet-community...


Anonymous said...

Hang in there.

PS I would like to know your name, even it is just a nickname. It sounds warmer to say "Hey Bob" instead of "Hey anonymous". ;-)

Anonymous with Myalgic Encephalomyelitis said...

Thanks to the both of you for taking the time to comment, it's appreciated.

Hey Rach, i see your point - call me John.

Cusp said...

Heh 'John',

Just to say that I've been lurking here a while and really feel for you
a) because I also have ME and understand that struggle and
b) because years ago, when I was much much younger, I had to move back in with my parenst for two years because I was so ill (with something else)--- so I know how hard it can be, even when you love your parents and they love you: just when you should be going out into the world and making it your own, you're stuck at home with Mum !

Take care and I'm sure you will find that there is a whole community out here in blogland that offers support